By: andy On: October 27, 2020 In: SEQUENCE, TIPS Comments: 0

I rarely jump on my yoga mat and get right into practice. These days, I need more pre-practice warm-ups to ready me for the work ahead.

I thought it would be fun to share some of these with you… Whether you are looking for a different or creative warm-up as a student, or building into your classes- these are some of my favorites!

Week 1- Wrists. Wrists are one part of the body that could use a little more attention before we put weight on them (like plank or Chaturanga!). I love using the wall to stretch into the wrist, arm and shoulder! Take your time with these, and modulate how much pressure you place in the hands right away. The chest stretches are awesome for the days when you spend a lot of time at the computer, too!

Warm Up for Wrists